Kings of the Turf

Kings-of-the-TurfKings of the Turf was number 5530 in the postcard manufacturer’s inventory. This postcard is not marked with any information about it’s origins but I suspect it could be the work of the James Lee Co. of Chicago. That belief stems from the colors used as well as the red text indicating the postcard number and name. It is very similar to the markings found on Repaired While You Wait a charming postcard of a mother repairing her child’s torn britches.

This particular postcard was mailed in 1908, which fits that it was printed by the James Lee Co. The other postcard in our collection was from 1906 and was number 5220. Based on the quantity of items the company produced, it is certainly possible that two years later they would have produced their 5,530th piece.

Kings of the Turf includes portraits of two greyhounds and a horse. In the background is a grandstand overlooking what is obviously a turf race course. Perhaps the three animals are famous winners or perhaps they simply represent all of the dogs and horses who can run like the wind.

This work is in the public domain in the United States. If you were wanting to isolate the horse or dogs from the larger image, it looks like it wouldn’t be too difficult.

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