Repeating Rose Pattern

wallpaper-set-2This is one of my favorites among the group of public domain patterns that I found in a vintage Sears Roebuck & Company Wallpaper catalog. While wallpaper, by their very nature, is designed to fit together seamlessly, many wallpaper sample books included pieces of wallpaper that did not include the entire repeat. With this rose pattern, the repeat is small enough that the sample included enough to create a seamless, repeating pattern.

First, I’ve included the original sample, which displays the rose border, with a coordinating striped paper and mottled background that were designed to compliment the repeating rose pattern. Then I’ve included what I think is a section of the sample which, when tiled, can be seamlessly tiled.

I’ve played with the colors a bit to provide you with several variations of this repeating rose pattern. I hope you find one or more of them useful for your projects.

repeating rose pattern - originalrepeating rose pattern - green toneslightened rose patternblue rosespurple-leafed rose pattern

I’ll leave it to you to isolate the pattern for the stripes and dots.

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